Choosing The Right Doctor Is Important

All doctors are not created equal. Let me explain. Many times people see a doctor for years and usually that helps a social security case. But, too many times when I review medical records on a potential or current client I find that the doctor left out important examination findings (e.g., decreased reflexes, weakness, decreased range of motion, numbness, etc.), no x-rays, no MRIs, no CT scans, no stress tests or any type of test that would demonstrate to anyone (let alone a Judge) the doctor had paid any real attention to the patient’s complaints. In fact, what I see are examinations conducted mostly by a physician assistant. A nurse, nurse practitioner or physician assistant can provide excellent care, but unless the records show the doctor is still very much involved in your treatment that could be a problem. If your doctor never examines you, never refers you to a specialist or second opinion, never bothers to obtain an x-ray, MRI, CT scan, etc. it’s time for you to have a serious talk with your doctor now! And the issue should not be about you being disabled or that you are trying to get Social Security disability benefits. Doctor’s typically become suspicious of a patient’s complaints when there is a secondary motive involved like seeking Social Security disability benefits. Important insight into issues like this is invaluable when applying for Social Security disability benefits. As an SSA accredited Advocate with years of experience in representing the disabled, I can give you valuable advice which will make your disability claim as strong as possible.

At Applied Benefits, Inc., we have worked in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas handling only social security disability cases for over 25 years. We are familiar with most of the physician practices and clinics, and have established a good reputation with doctors and mental health care professionals. We do not burden doctors or administrative staff with unnecessary and duplicate requests for medical records.

We present your doctor’s opinion of your condition to the social security administration by a carefully prepared document designed to minimize the time required by the doctor in completion, and maximize the support for your disability case. Many social security disability representatives present doctors with “cookie cutter”, multi-page evaluation forms that ask about areas of functioning that have no impact on winning the claim.

Let us work with your doctor and we can significantly increase your chances of winning your social security disability benefits. Call Applied Benefits, Inc. today at 1-800-264-6233.

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